Shabbat Chesed Local Representatives
Location |
Shabbat Chesed Local Rep |
Phone |
Email |
Toronto, Canada |
Jerry &
Bea Rosenfield |
416-733-0727 |
jros@pathcom.com |
Toronto, Canada |
Rav Aaron
Greenberg |
905-763-0245 |
aarongreenberg@sympatico.ca |
Montreal, Quebec, Canada |
Michelle Benhaim |
(514)489-9094 |
sunshyne999@hotmail.com |
Ramat Bet Shemesh,
Israel |
Rosenfelder |
02-999-6445 |
rosenfelder@barak-online.net |
Ramat Bet Shemesh,
Israel |
Gila Green
02-999-9717 |
greens@netvision.net.il |
Ramat Bet Shemesh,
Israel |
Levin |
02-991-1903 |
Petach Tikva, Israel |
Talia &
Dani Widowsky |
03-909-7166 |
dtwid@netvision.net.il |
Ra'anana |
Yael Ohayon |
09-740-0138 |
yaelohayon@yahoo.com |
Jerusalem, Israel |
Baltimore, MD |
Dovid Cohen |
410-764-1979 |
chanaliora@comcast.net |
Bergenfield, NJ |
Baruch and Yaffa Swinkin |
201-387-7381 |
bswinkin@aol.com |
Lakewood, NJ |
Gila Cohen |
908-596-0844 |
gcohen@easternuf.com |
Lakewood, NJ |
Deena Gestetner |
732-370-2241 |
deena@successfultitle.com |
Queens, NY |
David Krup |
917-836-5365 |
Kwakysurpynykoo@aol.com |
New York, NY |
Ari & Jen Krup |
arikrup@yahoo.com |
New York, NY |
Jessica Rich |
212-740-2789 |
jsinger417@aol.com |
Queens, NY |
Josh &
Leah Wissotsky |
718-897-0091 |
jwisotsky@spencertrask.com |
Queens,NY |
Aryeh &
Cheryl Adelman |
718-544-5175 |
adelman@fordham.edu |
Riverdale, NY |
& Amy Rothner |
718-884-3827 |
daniel@areyvut.org |
Woodmere, NY |
Zahava Farbman |
516-569-6646 |
ZahavaF@aol.com |
Baltimore, Maryland |
Louis Barr |
410-244-7737 |
lbbarr@venable.com |
Berkeley, CA |
Yair & Ilana Fodiman-Silverman |
510-843-8052 |
Antwerp, Belgium |
Heller Shoshi |
323 239 60 67 |
shoshiheller@pandora.be |
Golders Green, London, UK |
Chayim Schwab |
07977 136 610 |
chayim17@hotmail.com |
Melbourne, Australia |
Michal Cher |
613 9527 9294 |
Mickeey1@hotmail.com |
Summer Camp & Youth Coordinators |
Zev & Shoshie Rosenfield |
szros@012.net.il |
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